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Power over Ethernet &

Power Supply Specialist & Manufacturer

POE-EX101  >> 150-250M extended distance, Max 30W, IEEE802.3af/at PoE Extender

POE-EX101PRO  >> 150-250M extended distance, Max 90W, IEEE802.3af/at/PoE++/BT PoE Extender

Usually the working distance of traditional PoE networks approximately 100 meters from the Power Source Equipment (PSE) to the Powered Devices (PDs), but the fact is sometimes power over Ethernet installation is far beyond 100 meters between PSE and PDs, however this far greater Ethernet range are achievable by using our power over Ethernet PoE extender, as they can reach up to 150m~250m, delivering both electrical power and digital data to terminal network devices such as IP Cameras, Wireless Access Points, Access Control and VoIP Phone up to a distance of 150m or 250m while complying with IEEE802.3af/at standard. The PoE extender acts as a pass-through with data-repeating capabilities and does not require local power and is powered via the PoE input.